Kidney Transplant

Kidney Transplant

Digital diagram comparing pig kidneys and human kidneys
March 28, 2022

Pig Kidneys to Humans: Next Steps for the UAB Xenotransplantation program

On September 30, 2021, a University of Alabama at Birmingham medical team transplanted two pig kidneys into a brain-dead human recipient, a major step toward future pig-kidney transplants to people with kidney failure.
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Gift of life
February 27, 2022

The gift of life through transplant

“A kidney transplant…is extraordinarily powerful,” said Jayme Locke, M.D., MPH, director of the UAB Comprehensive Transplant Institute (CTI), in a recent episode of ‘The Checkup’ podcast. “So is a liver, a heart, a lung—they all change people's lives. They all give life back.”
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Group photo of medical professionals in blue scrubs and green and white head coverings
January 20, 2022

UAB Announces First Clinical-grade Transplant of Gene-edited Pig Kidneys into Brain-dead Human

The University of Alabama at Birmingham Marnix E. Heersink School of Medicine announces today the first peer-reviewed research outlining the successful transplant of genetically modified, clinical-grade pig kidneys into a brain-dead human individual, replacing the recipient’s native kidneys. These positive results demonstrate how xenotransplantation could address the worldwide organ shortage crisis.
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UAB Medicine patient
January 13, 2021

Transplanting Organs From Hep C+ Donors Decreases Wait Times

Four years ago, 28-year-old Ana Kenney was told that she would either spend the rest of her life on dialysis or have to wait up to 10 years for a kidney transplant.
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Kevin Russell
January 13, 2021

Family of Kidney Transplant Patient Makes Legacy Gift

UAB Medicine patient Kevin Russell received a kidney transplant in 1991 at the age of 27. This life-giving operation helped him live almost two more decades, to the age of 45, leading his family to make a legacy gift to the UAB Comprehensive Transplant Institute in 2020.
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