

Coworkers posing together in front of a police vehicle
October 3, 2022

A Bond Between Co-Workers Over 8,000 Miles Apart

A medical emergency can be stressful for anyone, even a health care worker. But imagine finding yourself in Africa with a husband in the hospital and not knowing anyone on the entire continent. That was the situation for UAB Medicine Infection Preventionist Peggy Gibson.
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Group photo of Ambulatory NPC
October 1, 2022

Ambulatory Nurse Practice Council turns insights into solutions

The nurses who work in UAB Medicine’s 170 ambulatory clinics see the delivery of care and patient outcomes from a unique perspective. Is there a way to use their insights to improve UAB Medicine? That question led to the creation of the Ambulatory Nurse Practice Council (ANPC) by nurses themselves. The council organizes the diverse […]
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African American male outside trying to relax
September 29, 2022

5 Tools for Dealing With Stress for Mental Health

October 10 is World Mental Health Day, created to promote and support mental health. You can better recognize and respond to normal stress to avoid being overwhelmed. Learn more with the help of Christine Pierpaoli Parker, PhD, a licensed clinical psychologist at UAB Medicine.
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DAISY Winner – Amanda Haywood, RN
September 29, 2022

DAISY Winner – Amanda Haywood, RN

We are pleased to announce the most recent UAB Medicine DAISY Award, recognizing the extraordinary care and compassion that nurses provide for patients and families every day. Submissions and stories are reviewed each month, and then the winner is surprised at a special ceremony.
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UAB’s Cardiogenomics Clinic doctors
September 28, 2022

Inside a high-tech heart clinic, doctors look to the past for clues to the future

When dying young runs in the family, fear is never far behind.
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Carol Glover
September 26, 2022

Older Patient Receives New Kidney and Pancreas, Thanks to Expanded Criteria

Carol Glover retired in 2017 after working 32 years for University of Alabama Athletics, and she was looking forward to her upcoming wedding and traveling the world with her new husband. Glover couldn’t have foreseen that her journey would lead to her becoming the oldest kidney-pancreas transplant patient at the UAB Comprehensive Transplant Institute (CTI).
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DAISY Winner - Kristy Benefield, RN
September 26, 2022

DAISY Winner – Kristy Benefield, RN

We are pleased to announce the most recent UAB Medicine DAISY Award, recognizing the extraordinary care and compassion that nurses provide for patients and families every day. Submissions and stories are reviewed each month, and then the winner is surprised at a special ceremony.
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UAB Hospital re-verified as a Level I Trauma Center
September 16, 2022

UAB Hospital re-verified as a Level I Trauma Center

UAB Hospital has been re-verified as a Level I Trauma Center by the American College of Surgeons Committee on Trauma. UAB Hospital remains Alabama’s only ACS-verified Level I adult trauma center.
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Black and white photo of a transplant surgery underway
September 15, 2022

A UAB team has delivered a breakthrough that may end the burden of waiting for a kidney transplant

Many thousands of Americans are waiting on a kidney transplant, sometimes for as long as five years. And kidney disease is a particular burden for many Alabamians. But by transplanting gene-edited pig kidneys into an individual who had been declared brain dead, a UAB team has delivered a breakthrough that may end the burden of waiting.
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Grilled chicken and vegetable skewers
September 15, 2022

Heart-Healthy Tailgates for the Win

Keep football tailgates heart-healthy without sacrificing flavor with these tips from UAB cardiologists. Football season is here, and it is time to bring out the tailgating recipes. Fortunately, there are many ways football fans can put a heart-healthy twist on their tailgates this year.  
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Father holding baby girl while doctor examines her
September 14, 2022

UAB Medicine Honored Again for Excellence in Consumer Loyalty

UAB Medicine was again named to the NRC Health Top 100 Consumer Loyalty list, a ranking that recognizes the top United States health care organizations for earning exceptional loyalty ratings from their patient populations.  
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Physician in white coat holding a digitized heart
September 12, 2022

UAB Physicians Using Mpirik Cardiac Intelligence to Address Health Inequities

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) acknowledges that social determinants of health – such as race, finances, housing, and employment – can lead to disparities in health outcomes.
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