Vaginal Prolapse

Vaginal Prolapse

women at doctor for pelvic organ prolapse
June 12, 2024

UAB Urogynecology patient enjoys normal life again after prolapse surgery

UAB Medicine patient Malinda Upchurch experienced years of symptoms and inconvenience caused by pelvic organ prolapse, a condition caused by a weakening of tissue and muscles in the pelvic floor. About 40% of women are affected by some form of it.
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Doctors and nurses conversing in a hallway
November 2, 2022

Vaginal Prolapse

Vaginal prolapse, or vaginal vault prolapse, occurs when the uppermost part of the vagina falls or sags down into the vaginal canal. When the top of the vagina drops in this manner, it not only causes the vagina to lose its shape, but it also may weaken and collapse the vaginal walls. It is possible […]
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