PGY2 Oncology Pharmacy Residency

The PGY2 Oncology Pharmacy Residency at UAB Hospital is accredited by the American Society of Health-System Pharmacist (ASHP). It is a one-year program that prepares its graduates to serve as clinical pharmacy specialists, caring for acute and ambulatory adult hematology and oncology patients, and to facilitate as preceptors in the learning experiences of both students and residents. The successful completion of the program will also prepare the graduate to attain board certification in oncology pharmacy (BCOP). The UAB O’Neal Comprehensive Cancer Center is Alabama’s only cancer center designated by the National Cancer Institute, and it provides unique opportunities to engage residents in a wide variety of practice environments. These experiences span the full spectrum of care for oncology patients, from inpatient clinical services and ambulatory management of oral and intravenous antineoplastics to end-of-life issues in the palliative care setting.

The PGY2 Oncology Residency Program at UAB Hospital incorporates a combination of required and elective learning experiences (rotations) throughout the year that gives the resident a wide variety of experiences in oncology.

Orientation provides a general overview of the departmental organization, support units, and resident responsibilities. Benefits include health and accident insurance, holiday time off, and support to attend residency related professional conference(s).


Our goal is to develop a highly skilled practitioner who will be successful in any setting they choose to practice after graduation.

Barry Diamond, PharmD

Chris Chapleau, PharmD, PhD

Claire Rummage, PharmD, BCOP

Clay Tynes, PharmD, BCOP

Courtney Hebert, PharmD

Emily Lachiewicz, PharmD, BCOP

Emily Waite, PharmD, BCOP

Ginny Tyler Meadows, PharmD, BCPS

Josh Oliver, PharmD, BCOP

Juliana Kyle Leedy, PharmD, MS

Kasy Cross, PharmD, BCOP

Kristina Crump, PharmD

Laura Joiner, PharmD, BCOP

Matt Brown, PharmD, BCPS, BCIDP

Mohammad Rahman, PharmD

Samantha Schutte, PharmD, BCOP

Sarah Worth, PharmD, BCPS, BCOP

Seth Edwards, PharmD, BCIDP

Thomas Babakitis, PharmD, BCPS


The applicant must possess a PharmD degree and have completed an ASHP-accredited PGY1 pharmacy residency. All applications must be submitted through PhORCAS (Pharmacy Online Residency Centralized Application System) by January 2. The required components of the application include a letter of intent, three references, curriculum vitae, and a pharmacy school transcript. An interview is required.

Sarah Worth, PharmD, BCPS, BCOP Sarah Worth, PharmD, BCPS, BCOP Program Director
Required rotations
  • Ambulatory Breast Oncology
  • Ambulatory Gastrointestinal and Genitourinary Oncology
  • Ambulatory Thoracic Oncology, Melanoma, and Soft Tissue Sarcoma
  • Gynecologic Malignancies
  • Infectious Diseases / Antimicrobial Stewardship (if not previously completed)
  • Infusion Clinic, The Kirklin Clinic of UAB Hospital & The Kirklin Clinic at Acton Road
  • Inpatient Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplant and Immune Effector Cell Therapy
  • Inpatient / Outpatient Leukemia
  • Inpatient / Outpatient Lymphoma and Myeloma
  • Inpatient Medical Oncology and Palliative Care
  • Investigational Drug Services
Longitudinal requirements
  • Medication Use Evaluation
  • Practice Coverage
  • Practice Management
  • Oral Presentations and Academics
  • Research / Major Project
  • Teaching and Learning Certificate (if not previously completed)
Elective rotations
  • Ambulatory Hematology
  • Cardio Oncology
  • Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplant Clinic
  • Pediatric Hematology Oncology
NCI Comprehensive Cancer Center

Contact UAB Pharmacy Residency

Alexandra James, PharmD, BCPS
Manager, Residency Programs and Student Training
JT 1745, 619 19th Street South
Birmingham, AL 35249

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