DAISY winners: Barbara Vinson, RN, & Katie Kretzschmar, RN

We are pleased to announce the most recent UAB Medicine DAISY Award, recognizing the extraordinary care and compassion that nurses provide for patients and families every day. Submissions and stories are reviewed each month, and the winner is surprised at a special ceremony. You can submit a DAISY nurse nomination using this online form.

DAISY Award - Katie Kretzschmar & Barbara Vinson

Click here to view more photos from the award presentation.

Congratulations to the most recent winners, Barbara Vinson, RN, and Katie Kretzschmar, RN. Below, a colleague explains what makes Barbara and Katie worthy of a DAISY Award.

Katie received a call in the lactation center, located at the UAB Women & Infants Center, from a parent that had been discharged home with her baby. The mother stated she was having trouble getting the baby to breastfeed and would not take any pumped milk. She requested to see Barbara who took care of her in the hospital, so Katie told the mom to come in as soon as possible. When the mom arrived, Barbara was busy with another patient, so Katie escorted the mother and her child to a patient room until Barbara could get there.

Katie continued to ask about the baby’s feedings, and the mother stated the baby had not eaten well since they left the hospital. Katie weighed the baby and noticed the baby’s color, tone, and breathing seemed abnormal. Barbara arrived shortly after and agreed that the baby did not appear well. Barbara went to get a provider from the Newborn Nursery who quickly came to the patient’s room to assess the baby. The provider determined that the baby needed to go to the Emergency Department at Children’s of Alabama immediately and called ahead to alert their staff. Barbara escorted the family and their baby to Children’s of Alabama, and then she stayed with the family until the baby began receiving care. Later, Barbara received a call that the mother wanted to thank her for listening and assisting in the care of her child. Barbara later discovered that the baby had a rare heart condition.

I am so thankful to work with a great group of lactation consultants who go the extra mile to make sure our patients get the very best care possible.

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