Why did you choose to become a therapist?
For as long as I can remember, I’ve had a passion for people, relationships, and helping others. Therefore, when selecting a career, I wanted to work with others and make a difference. I initially thought I wanted to work in pediatrics, but after my first adult clinical rotation in graduate school, I never looked back, and I love the adult population.
What do you enjoy about inpatient rehab?
One of my favorite things is the relationships that I have the opportunity to develop with my patients and their families. I like having a positive impact during what may be one of their most difficult situations. I also like that I learn from each of my patients and from the resilience, determination, faith, and drive they display throughout their rehab stay.
What most excites you about our new rehab hospital opening this spring?
I am most excited about continuing to serve the patients of UAB Medicine with state-of-the-art facilities and equipment.