Perinatal Nurse Navigation

The journey through pregnancy and childbirth can be both thrilling and challenging, filled with times of joy as well as anxiety. Navigating the complex medical system and understanding the many choices available can be overwhelming. During this critical phase of life, perinatal nurse navigation is a helpful resource for new and expecting parents that can help ensure the health and well-being of both mother and baby.

Perinatal nurse navigation is a specialized form of nursing care that focuses on guiding and supporting families throughout their perinatal journey. Perinatal nurse navigators are highly trained experts in maternal and infant health, and they have a deep understanding of the physical, emotional, and psychosocial aspects of pregnancy, childbirth, and the postpartum period. These nurses serve as a bridge between patients and the health care system, ensuring that their perinatal journey is well-informed, personalized, and as stress-free as possible.

Below are some ways that the perinatal nurse navigators at UAB Medicine can help:

Education and Information

Perinatal nurse navigators play a crucial role in educating expecting families about prenatal care, labor and delivery, postpartum recovery, and newborn care. They provide research-based information, answer questions, and empower families to make informed health care decisions.


Perinatal nurse navigators act as advocates for their patients, helping them navigate the complex health care system and ensuring that their preferences and values are respected. They support communication between families and the health care team, promoting shared decision-making and a patient-centered approach to care.

Emotional Support

Perinatal nurse navigators provide emotional support and a compassionate presence, helping families cope with stress, anxiety, and other emotional aspects of the perinatal experience. They are there to listen and provide guidance and resources for coping with the ups and downs of the perinatal journey. For families facing high-risk pregnancies, perinatal nurse navigators work closely with medical specialists to ensure that the unique needs of high-risk pregnancies are met.

Care Coordination

Perinatal nurse navigators connect families with any community resources and support services they may need, such as breastfeeding support groups, childbirth classes, and mental health care.

Meet Our Perinatal Nurse Navigators

TeShawn Hardy, BSN, RN TeShawn Hardy, BSN, RN
Jasmine Maye, BSN, RN Jasmine Maye, BSN, RN
Dalana Mitchell, RN, BSN, RN-BC Dalana Mitchell, RN, BSN, RN-BC
Paula Thomas, BSN, RN Paula Thomas, BSN, RN
Marnie White, BSN, RN Marnie White, BSN, RN
Robin Willingham, BSN, RN Robin Willingham, BSN, RN

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